Havlíková, Jana et al..
Professionalization of social work in public administration and social services: the role of the entrance education and the further education
Prague: RILSA, 2018. 126 pp. – ISBN 978-80-7416-328-9
The study provides an analysis of the views of the direct managers of social workers employed in the social services sector, municipal offices (outside the SPOD agenda) and the Czech Labour Office on two key themes concerning the professionalisation of social work. The first issue relates to the training of social workers at the tertiary education level and the second to the further education of social workers. The analysis, which focuses on the views of managers in social services and municipal authorities, is based on data (the analysis of the content of advertisements for social worker positions and a questionnaire survey) obtained in the context of the “Analysis of the importance of the entrance education level of social workers and workers in social services for ensuring the professional performance of social work in the public administration and social services sectors and the analysis of the influence of the management on maintaining and developing the expertise of social workers” project. The analysis concerning Labour Office managers is based on the secondary analysis of mostly qualitative data obtained via previous research conducted by RILSA. An integral part of the monograph consists of the legislative analysis of the relevant current legal regulation, i.e. Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services as amended in terms of the guarantee of the professional performance of social work in the public administration and social services sectors. The results of the analysis contribute to an overall understanding of how managers in the public administration and social services sectors perceive the importance of qualifications and continuing education, including supervision, from the viewpoint of the professional performance of social work and in relation to the activities of workers in the social services sector. At the same time, the results contribute towards explaining the influence of current legislation and that of managers in the public administration and social services sectors on maintaining and developing the expertise of social workers. The findings presented in this study provide feedback for social work trainers and can also be used in the area of the support and development of the lifelong education of social workers. Moreover, the results can also be used in the preparation of legislative proposals for the modification of the qualifications required for the performance of social work.
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