New publication of the RILSA

Kuchařová, Věra – Höhne, Sylva – Nešporová, Olga – Paloncyová, Jana

Rodiny se třemi a více dětmi / Families with three or more children

Prague: RILSA, 2019. 149 pp., ISBN 978-80-7416-344-9

The aim of the publication is to provide an assessment of currently available data and to provide new information on multi-child families which, despite their relatively low number in Czech society, deserve to be considered as a special case. The study, therefore, addresses the basic areas of the family life of families with three or more dependent children. The study is divided into two separate parts. The first part concerns the processing of data obtained from the Czech Statistical Office that provides information on fertility and birth rates focusing particularly on higher-order births. This is followed by a description of the basic structure of large families and other characteristics based on data obtained from the 2011 Population and Housing Census. Further, the study presents a summary of the financial and material conditions of families with three or more children based on SILC 2017 survey data.

The second part presents the findings of up-to-date quantitative and qualitative research concerning families with three or more children conducted in 2018. Attention is devoted particularly to topics surrounding the formation and functioning of, and upbringing of children in, multi-child families, especially with concern to partnerships and parenthood, the financial situation of such families and the reconciliation of the family and work roles of parents of large families, including relationships in multi-child families taking into account intergenerational relationships. Finally, the study also considers the attitudes of parents of multi-child families and the subjective perception of the problems they face.

The study constitutes one of the outcomes of the first phase of the long-term Comprehensive Research of the Situation of Families and Seniors (2018-2022) project involving the ongoing monitoring of various types of families.

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Kategorie Aktuality EN.