New publication of the RILSA

Kotíková, Jaromíra – Šťastnová, Pavlína

Projekce absolventů škol: Výpočet a výsledky /The projection of graduates: Calculation and outcomes

Prague: RILSA, 2019. 125 pp., ISBN 978-80-7416-350-0

The projection of the number of graduates leaving for the labor market is part of the upcoming system of predicting labor market needs and its monitoring, which links the national and regional level and the results reflect the specifics of regional development.

The starting point for creating graduates‘ projections is the development of the educational system in previous years and demographic development. The projection is based on the development of the number of newly admitted pupils / students and graduates of Primary Schools, Upper Secondary Schools, Tertiary Vocational Schools and Higher Education Institution, the number of which depends on both demographic development, the structure of the school network and the structure of lower education graduates.

The outcomes of the projections of graduates leaving for the labor market are processed at national and regional level according to the level of education, while at the national level in addition a projection of the number of university graduates leaving for the labor market is prepared.


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Kategorie Aktuality EN.