New publication of the RILSA

Hora, Ondřej – Horáková, Markéta – Suchanec, Miroslav – Rákoczyová, Miroslava – Sirovátka, Tomáš

Vyhodnocení rekvalifikačních programů realizovaných v České republice v roce 2016 /Evaluation of re-qualification programs implemented in the Czech Republic in 2016

Praha: RILSA, 2020. 164 pp., ISBN 978-80-7416-383-8 (print); 978-80-7416-384-5 (pdf)

The study aims to assess re-qualification programs implemented in 2016 as a specific tool of labour market policy (ALMP): in particular, we assess the impacts of re-qualification programs, based on contra-factual evaluation, then targeting of re-qualifications and other factors that affect these impacts. In quantitative assessment we work with databases from Employment Office of the Czech Republic OKprace/ OKwork. In parallel, when analysis the factors influencing the impacts of re-qualifications, we come from information collected in the individual and focus groups interviews with the selected staff of Employment Office.

Both types of re-qualifications, this means those realised by the Employment Office, and those chosen by the unemployed themselves elsewhere, are less targeted at the unemployed categories with only basic education level, older unemployed, and, in the case of “chosen re-qualifications” at the disabled. The impacts of the re-qualification programs are slightly positive. They help most when targeted at the unemployed disadvantaged in the labour market and when aiming to provide specific skills/ qualification. In contrast, our finding indicate considerable deadweight in the case of short-term unemployed and with higher education level. The possibilities to improve impacts and targeting at the disadvantaged groups may be found in further development of the individual work with the unemployed and developments of the qualities of re-qualification programs themselves.

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Kategorie Aktuality EN.