On 19 May 2022, the “Ageing is a Challenge!” conference, the final international conference to be held as part of the MoLSA “Seniors in the Regions – Implementation of Ageing policy at the Regional Level” project, was held in Prague. The event was moderated by Lucie Vidovićová, a researcher at the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA/VUPSV).
A number of representatives from the MoLSA, regional politicians and representatives from the academic sphere contributed to the discussion on the various themes. A wide range of topics were discussed: pension reform, the effects of the covid-19 pandemic and lessons learned from efforts to control the disease, strategic objectives for the further support of healthy and active ageing in the Czech Republic, and practical examples of activities for seniors organised by various cities and municipalities.
We particularly recommend that you refer to the contribution by MUDr. Zdeněk Kalvach (from 5:16:00 onwards in the recording referenced below), the contribution of Doc. Kvetoslava Repková from the Slovak Institute for Research on Work and the Family (time: 2:42:50) and the Strategic Framework for Preparation for the Ageing of Society 2021–2025 presentation (time: 2:05:35).
The conference was moderated by Lucie Vidovićová, a researcher at the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs and a member of the regional platform of the afore-mentioned MoLSA project for the South Moravia region.
Video recording of the Aging is a Challenge! conference (the actual start time is 14:35 in the recording): https://youtu.be/ZnyU-KuE634 (simultaneously interpreted into English)
The conference website with information on the speakers, etc. (in Czech only): https://eventee.co/cs/e/implementace-politiky-starnuti-na-krajskou-uroven-13143?event_id=13143
Website of the “Seniors in the Regions – Implementation of Ageing policy at the Regional Level” project (in Czech only): https://seniorivkrajich.mpsv.cz