New RILSA policy paper: Household-specific Energy Expenditure and Inflation in the Czech Republic
By means of policy papers, experts from RILSA/VÚPSV provide a thorough insight into selected social...
Call for Senior Researcher position
The Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA) announces a selection procedure for employment...
New RILSA policy paper: Location Choice and Dispersal Policies: Ukrainian War Immigrants in the Czech Republic
By means of policy papers, experts from RILSA/VÚPSV provide a thorough insight into selected social...
Call for Senior Researcher position
The Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA) announces a selection procedure for employment position Senior Researcher. The main […]
New RILSA policy paper: Location Choice and Dispersal Policies: Ukrainian War Immigrants in the Czech Republic
By means of policy papers, experts from RILSA/VÚPSV provide a thorough insight into selected social policy topics and suggest recommendations […]