VP 2017/004/0083 The adaptation of industrial relations towards new forms of work

Through a proactive approach, the project The adaptation of industrial relations towards new forms of work seeks to document the magnitude and potential of growth of new forms of work within digital economy improving knowledge about digitalization of economy in the new EU member states. Implicitly, the project, financed by the European Commission through DG Employment and Social Affairs, aims at advancing policy proposals for adapting the existing institutional and regulatory systems in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Macedonia and Czech Republic for properly responding to the increasing and palpable risks such as: jobless growth, new skilled jobs’ need, weakening of collective action applied to industrial relations, etc.

Within the project implemented by the Institute for Public Policy (Romania), Center for Economic Development (Bulgaria), Institute for Development and International Relations (Croatia), Institute of Public Affairs (Poland), Center for Research and Policy Making (Macedonia) and Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (Czech Republic) between February 2018 and July 2019, the main project’s objectives are:

  • Mapping the magnitude of new forms of work emerging (national studies will be elaborated, including a national survey, legislation’ analysis and interviews with stakeholders);
  • Improving the expertise of social partners in addressing workers within workers new type of demands related to new forms of employment (a handy tool – an Employee’s Guide will be elaborated, webinars involving a German expert will be organized in each partner country as well as trainings with social partners);
  • Facilitating exchange of experience around digital economy (a comparative report synthetizing the national findings and advancing both national/European policies);
  • Raising awareness of workers ‘rights and benefits in the new forms of employment (an international public debate will take place in Bucharest after which a press conference disseminating debate ‘conclusions white paper synthetizing the project’ experience will be implemented at the end of the project).

Digital economy is a big challenge for the industrial relations as digitalization is modifying the standards dynamics in job’s demands. New forms of employment such as: collaborative employment, employee sharing/lease, portfolio work, voucher-based work, mobile based work, crowd employment, interim management, casual work, job sharing, etc. pose complex challenges to the existing national regulatory systems of both labor taxation and social protection, etc.

This material is part of the project The adaptation of industrial relations towards new forms of work, VP 2017/004/0083, financed by the European Commission. It reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that can be made of the information it contains.