Expert, reviewed journal

Publisher: RILSA, Dělnická 213/12, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic

Editor-in-chief: PhDr. Petr Šafařík, e-mail:, cell phone: +420 777 529 070, tel.: +420 211 152 722.

Periodicity: 4x a year, first issue published in August 2007

Size: 32 - 52 pages, black-and-white

Format: A4

Price: one issue CZK 80, annual subscription CZK 320

Typical content: the broadest possible range of social issues, i.e. social policy, social services, state social support system, material need system, assessment service, disability, family, socio-legal protection of children, equal opportunities, insurance systems, pension insurance, sickness insurance, accident insurance, income policy, employment, employment policy, employment services, labour market, employment of foreign nationals, work of the labour offices, wage policy, wage and pay systems, occupational safety and the work environment, migration, integration of foreign nationals, international cooperation in social security, social dialogue and collective bargaining, working conditions, work organisation, legislation on all these areas in particular labour law, and other related subjects.