Name:Control and prevention of undeclared work in complex chains of ecomomic activity
Project leader:Ing. Soňa Veverková
Provider:ICF International, Inc.
Team member:
Project leader-external:
External team member:
Start of project:2021
End of project:2021
Project recipient:RILSA
Project co-recipient:
Description:The issue of illegal work in complex economic relations is very complicated, and although the control authorities focus on this issue, it is very difficult for their staff to distinguish the relations between natural and legal persons and to punish illegal work. The main objective of the study is to describe the current forms of illegal employment in selected European countries, both in the case of employment of foreigners and in the case of employment agencies, as well as in the case of posted workers.
The project reflects and assesses the extent of illegal employment in each country and, on the basis of these findings, formulates recommendations to increase the effectiveness of controls by the relevant state authorities.