Name:Collective bargaining as a key part of a well-functioning social market economy and cooperation between the social partners at sectoral level
Project leader:Ing. Helena Marešová
Provider:Asociace samostatných odborů
Team member:Mgr. Marie Táborská , Mgr. Aleš Kroupa
Project leader-external:
External team member:
Start of project:2022
End of project:2022
Project recipient:Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs
Project co-recipient:
Description:The research activity aims to describe the growing requirements for knowledge and skills of employees in the environment of digitized and automated work, which arise or grow in connection with the 4th industrial revolution. Some groups of employees may be at risk in this context, leading to a decline in training levels. This fact is an important factor. which contributes to the growth of discrimination against vulnerable groups in the labor market. Social dialogue is a mechanism that prevents discrimination in all aspects and, through collective agreements, contributes to improving conditions in the field of employee training.

The aim of the study is to map the current differences in the position of employees, which are affected by the requirements for knowledge growth. The risk areas most affected by this issue will be identified. At the same time, measures will be proposed to strengthen the importance of collective agreements in this area and thus contribute to reducing discrimination in the labor market, the cause of which lies in the level and type of knowledge and skills.