Name:Reach Out to the "Left-Behind" – improving guidance for working persons from the underprivileged milieu
Project leader:Ing. Jana Váňová
Team member:Ing. Soňa Veverková
Project leader-external:ÖSB Studien un Beratung gemeinnützige GmbH (; partnery jsou bbb Büro für berufliche Bildingsplanung Klein & Partner GbR (; Andragogški center Slovenije (
External team member:AIVD
Start of project:2022
End of project:2024
Project recipient:ÖSB Studien und Beratung gemeinnützige GmbH
Project co-recipient:Büro für berufliche Bildingsplanung Klein & Partner GbR (; Andragogški center Slovenije (, Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí, v. v. i. (
Description:Reach Out to the "Left-Behind" – improving guidance for working persons from the underprivileged milieu

In March 2022, the implementation of an international project entitled Reach Out to the "Left-Behind" – improving guidance for working persons from the underprivileged milieu (ReachOut) was submitted to the Austrian National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme for approval.

The aim of the project is to focus on the possibilities of improving skills and qualifications in relation to the following target groups:

1/ Guidance practitioners – the ReachOut project focuses on upskilling educational and vocational guidance practitioners. The first direct target group is the group of guidance practitioners and their organisations (e.g. five associated partners), who are confronted with the challenges of working with persons from the underprivileged milieu, whose habitus differs greatly from that of the guidance practitioners themselves (e.g. due to their educational background). With the ReachOut project we want to achieve knowledge transfer and reflection on measures to reach working people from the underprivileged milieu and on the design, setting and approaches of guidance used in practice. The ReachOut project will have an impact on the skills and competences of guidance practitioners in the fields of education, career, employment and will be of use for providers of further training for guidance practitioners. Guidance practitioners and their organisations will be enabled to reflect on their experiences and practices of guidance and to upgrade its offers. Stakeholders responsible for educational guidance and professional development of the guidance practitioners will benefit from tailor-made guidance offers and will be enabled to design different training programmes.

2/ Governing actors – the second direct target group are governing actors on regional, national, and European level. For example, stakeholders responsible for educational guidance and training and policy actors in the field of strategic programme development and funding. To meet the needs of this target group the project will present the key findings in form of a Policy Paper. The Policy Paper “Habitus Sensitive Guidance – recommendations for policy makers" (PR3) will be published in English, Czech, Slovenian, and German and will be disseminated via the projects website and via websites of projects partners. The results will be presented at four national multiplier events. The project will raise awareness about the challenge of reaching out to working persons from the underprivileged milieu. It will help to redefine objectives and strategies of educational and vocational guidance to meet the guidance needs of this target group. And it will support the implementation of identified measures to better cater this target group with appropriate guidance offers.

3/ Working people from the underprivileged milieu – the indirect target group of the ReachOut project are working persons from the underprivileged milieu. They are from the prime working age and have a less stable form of gainful work (e.g. fragmented, precarious, low paid, marginal, partly declared). They have a certain distance to formal education and guidance and some of which have migration background. This group has severe needs to rise their participation in educational guidance and further training. By upskilling guidance practitioners, offering adequate guidance and creation of an adequate policy setting, individual guidance users will be supported in accessing appropriate education and training opportunities in adult education and to have a clear picture about their individual career path and skills needs. They will be supported to size the labour market opportunities through education and guidance. The project will help them to move on to more stable and secure forms of work.

The project is implemented in a consortium of several companies. The project leader is ÖSB Studien und Beratung gemeinnützige GmbH (; the partners are bbb Büro für berufliche Bildingsplanung Klein & Partner GbR (; Andragogški center Slovenije ( and the Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs, v. v. i. (

On the Czech side, the RILSA will cooperate on exper level with the Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Czech Republic (AIVD,

The project activities are designed for 24 months.