Number  Name  Years
DC532/2017 An analysis of the remuneration systems of civil servants in selected EU countries focusing on the motivation and performance components of the salary in comparison with conditions in the Czech Republic 2017-2017 
DC520/2016 The monitoring of labour costs in the Czech Republic, European Union countries and the USA in the period 2009 - 2014. Bulletin No. 10 2016-2016 
DC524/2016 The assessment of the complexity, responsibility and difficulty of work 2016-2019 
DC502/2015 The examination of the amount of the subsistence minimum of dependent children aged 6-14 years based on 2013 data, including the effectiveness of the reintroduction of two subsistence minimum levels for dependent children aged 6-9 years and 10-14 years 2015-2015 
EIF_2013-01 Indicators of the integration of third country nationals in the Czech Republic and the Russian community inclusion into mainstream society 2014-2015 
EIF_2011-08 Quantitative and qualitative indicators for evaluation of the integration of third country nationals in the Czech Republic in the light of current data and new knowledge 2012-2013 
TD010106 Changes in the social and economic position of self-employed persons in CZ as a consequence of the economic crisis and in relation to the social security system 2012-2013 
TD010082 Methodology of continuous monitoring of labour costs and utilisation in the Czech Republic in international comparison 2012-2013 
TD010065 Review of the factual content and construction of the living minimum and proposals regarding the contents and legislation 2012-2013 
DC111/2012 Income poverty and material deprivation in the Czech Republic by EU indicators - development as a result of the crisis, fiscal consolidation and social reforms 2012-2012 
HC214/11 Total labour costs in public administration 2011-2011 
DC13/2011 Evaluation of the role of housing costs and benefits associated with housing in relation to the beneficiaries of material need allowances 2011-2011 
DC5a/2011 Elderly Consumers and Consumption at Old Age 2011-2012 
EIF_2010-27 Methodology for an evaluation of monitoring tools of integration process of foreigners from third countries in the CR – 3rd phase 2011-2012 
HC192/10 Assessment of remuneration system of employees, funds for their salaries are paid wholly or largely from publ. sources, a comparison of the Czech salary system with remuneration systems of similar ranges of employees and employers in selected EU States 2010-2011 
DC3/2010 The Distributional Impacts and Economic Influence of Parental Benefit on Czech Households 2010-2010 
DC10/2011 Long-term monitoring and evaluation of the labour-price formation process 2010-2011 
EIF_2009-02 Monitoring of monitoring tools for an evaluation of of integration process of foreigners from third countries in the CR – 2nd phase 2009-2009 
DC1/2011 The economic load middle income groups 2008-2011 
HR149/06 Comparison of social security contributions, unemployment and health insurance and taxes collection 2006-2006 
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