Mediation of Substitute Family Care for Children of the Roma Ethnicity BARVÍKOVÁ, Jana - PALONCYOVÁ, Jana
Substitutive Alimony HÖHNE, Sylva - KŘEČKOVÁ TŮMOVÁ, Naděžda - PALONCYOVÁ, Jana
Social Enterprises and Employment of Disadvantaged Persons I. DOHNALOVÁ, Marie - BAREŠ, Pavel - LEGNEROVÁ, Kateřina
Reduction of working hours KROUPA, Aleš - KYZLINKOVÁ, Renata - LEHMANN, Štěpánka - VEVERKOVÁ, Soňa - ŠPAČEK, Ondřej - SEDLÁR, Jan
Qualified Employee Programme (formerly Ukraine Programme) in the Reflection of Members of the Confederation of Employers' and Entrepreneurs' Unions of the Czech Republic SCHEBELLE, Danica - KUBÁT, Jan - BAREŠ, Pavel
Summary research report of mixed research on health care and the health status of foreigners in the Czech Republic SCHEBELLE, Danica - KUBÁT, Jan - MAREŠOVÁ, Jarmila - OLECKÁ, Ivana - ŽOFKA, Jan
Reflection of Family Policy - Expectations and Attitudes KUCHAŘOVÁ, Věra
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Use of the State Contribution for the Foster Care Performance for Activities Carried out in the Framework of Accompaniment of Caring Persons and Registered Persons, Quantification of Costs for Individual Activities that are Part of the Accompaniment LUSKOVÁ, Daniela - KOTÍKOVÁ, Jaromíra - SOKAČOVÁ, Linda - ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, Lenka - HORECKÁ, Miroslava - JIRÁČKOVÁ, Pavlína - PAVEL, Lukáš
International Comparison of the Scope and Structure of Care Allowance Recipients and Conditions for Granting Care Allowance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria HON, Filip - PRŮŠA, Ladislav - BAREŠ, Pavel
Identification of Barriers in the Provision of Career Counseling Services - Barriers on the Part of Recipients ŠŤASTNOVÁ, Pavlína - ELIÁŠKOVÁ, Ivana
Evaluation of Re-qualification Programs Implemented in the Czech Republic in 2016 HORA, Ondřej - HORÁKOVÁ, Markéta - SUCHANEC, Miroslav - RÁKOCZYOVÁ, Miroslava - SIROVÁTKA, Tomáš
The role of social service providers for (long-term unemployed) homeless people in the process of finding and keeping a job and their cooperation with the Labour Office of the Czech Republic KUBÁT, Jan - MAREŠOVÁ, Helena - SCHEBELLE, Danica - TÁBORSKÁ, Marie - KOTRUSOVÁ, Miriam
The autonomy of decision-making by street-level workers in public employment services in South Moravian Region (Factorial Survey Experiment) VYHLÍDAL, Jiří - PLASOVÁ, Blanka
Research of the Ethical Dilemmas, Values and Principles of Social Work TRBOLA, Robert - NEČASOVÁ, Mirka - DOHNALOVÁ, Zdeňka
Analysis of Possible Impacts of Automation and Robotics in the Manufacture of Transport Equipment Sector on Employment in the Period 2020-2025 LICHARD, Tomáš - VYCHOVÁ, Helena - CZESANÁ, Věra - KLICNAR, Filip - LICHNER, Ivan - MATOUŠKOVÁ, Zdeňka - RADVANSKÝ, Marek
Third Country Students studying in Czech language at the Public higher Education Institutions in Prague SCHEBELLE, Danica - KUBÁT, Jan - HRABA, Jan
Summary analytical study - Identification of barriers to girls / women entering education in engineering fields KOTÍKOVÁ, Jaromíra - ŠŤASTNOVÁ, Pavlína - SMOLÍK, Jan - KOPECKÁ, Ester - KOLÁŘ, Petr - FÜRBACHER, Michal - MAČÁK, Leoš - MUSIL, Bedřich
The impact of digitalisation and automation processes on the labour market and, consequently, on the education and social sectors - international experiences KOTÍKOVÁ, Jaromíra - KRAUS, Arno - MODRÁ, Jarmila - ŠŤASTNOVÁ, Pavlína - VÁŇOVÁ, Jana - VÍŠEK, Petr - VYCHOVÁ, Helena
The impact of digitalisation and automation processes on the labour market and, consequently, on the education and social sectors - documents searches KOTÍKOVÁ, Jaromíra - KRAUS, Arno - MODRÁ, Jarmila - ŠŤASTNOVÁ, Pavlína - VÁŇOVÁ, Jana - VÍŠEK, Petr
Payments from clients for the provision of accommodation and meals in residential social services facilities PRŮŠA, Ladislav
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